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10 Questions with Inked Photography

First let me say that I love the interviews here. I like how they are personal and the stories that are told. Very well done. But for me, sometimes and hour can be too long. I try to find artist interviews often. Some are good, some are bad. So me with my travels and the people I meet I decided to try and take a stab at this blog thing. By no means am I any type of writer but I plan on giving this a shot. I call it, "10 questions with Inked Photography". Click the link and let me know your thoughts.



Recommended Comments

Stewart Robson


For me the difference with the interviews here at LST are that they seem to be by tattooers, for tattooers. They are not for onlookers with a casual interest in tattooing. Not to mention the intimate and respectful relationship between the interviewer and subject has allowed the interviews to touch on areas normally untapped in tattooer interviews.

I think these things make the interviews unique and hugely more interesting than most interviews. If an hour is too long for some of the very interesting subjects and views in the videos here, that says more about your attention span than the quality of the interview.

30-60 minutes with some of the most insightful, inspirational and respected figures in tattooing? yes please.

10 tabloid questions with a distracted feel and minimal research into the subject? good luck.



I really enjoyed your first interview. Thanks for posting it up here. I think it was good to get a glimpse of the artist.



Just thought you might want to know there is a typo in the first text block.



The old "if it ain't broke don't fix it " springs to mind ,although I understand you're trying to do your own thing .



I agree with Stewart on this one, but actually would like possibly longer interviews (hour and a half).

inked photography


@ Stewart, agreed. As I stated I love the interviews here. I have watched all of them the whole way through. So my attention span is just fine. And yes, you are correct. Although I am not a tattoo artist I am still in the industry. There can be different types of interviews. My perspective I am going for is in the eyes of the collector or client. I don't consider the questions, as you say, tabloid. But some serious and some fun questions do bring a little glimpes. If by that glimpes a client is interested. Then hopefully they will contact the artist.

@sjb619 Thanks!

@ Ursula, Thanks. I need to pay closer attention. No excuse that it is my first one ever. But I am in the process of learning.

@ slayer9019, 1 1/2 hours? lol... We could start doing movies. lol.... Or a talk show. lol... That would be awesome.

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