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Eric inksmith william Fowkes and more

been a while since i blogged...It was a helluva summer,we had l some guests,kandi everett,mike wilson,eric inksmith, and I interviewed Eric,which was an honor,Eric being one of the patriarchs of Inksmith and Rogers, a master colorer,and the guy that groomed Mike Wilson,as we all know Mike has raised the bar professionally and personally in our midst,we could all take a page out of Mikes playbook.

Erics interview ,in its entirety will be in a future TAM and I think it will be fantastic,Eric has been quiet for too long and he has so much to say....we talked extensively about paul rogers,not just the machine buider but the man and they way he lived his life..Keep yer eyes peeled for it...

I obtained a bunch of William fowkes stuff...his stamps,(that he use to make his advertisements and that led to an amazing study and discoveries...)It was always thought that Fowkes machines were waters no names that fowkes stamped,but in fact he cast his own,and he cast wagners too...I do not want to give away too much here but Waters bought Fowkes machine shop in 1916 which we always thought otherwise. Thanks Lyle for helping me a little,see the attached print the stamps i obtained made 100 years ago. Lyle sent to me after Fowkes moved from Detroit to Norfolk. It seems waters took fowkes idea of a hand holding a machine and reasons why it is superior...we dated the stamps as 1906-1910 about 6 years before waters..anyway, we are still hammering out the details but what I have found out so far is mind blowing..the stamps are handcarved on copper and lead....I am doing a full article on it elsewhere..but since i love last sparrow i will do a forum article here around the same time.....

Bob Roberts and i are taking a trip to NYC in October to work at Smith street with bert ,steve,dan and Eli...Bob has not been there in forever and I have not been back there ina decade..it should be fun..traveling with bob always is.I will try and take some pictures but i have never been good about that kind of thing,I did not take any this summer...oh well...hope this enough for a blog..I have been neglecting this...

here are some photos..of mine and erics work(that bev took)..i lined he shaded...


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Recommended Comments



Those stamps are amazing! But I'm sure you know that already ;)

Deb Yarian


I'm really looking forward to it Shane, as I am right there with him about Paul!



Welcome back Shane and way to kick it off with an amazing blog....thanks for sharing!



Yes deb..and he said that through out the whole thing..how you had a deep and real relationship with Paul,how we should all live our lives like paul,and then the funeral and those great points that have been overlooked...you were on my mind and Erics alot during this...there are not many people around that had that special bond with him...I know kandi did too..but she did not have the time you did...I am beyond excited for everyone to hear Erics story..it is a good one...as you know...and the legacy of Paul living on in all of you and even beyond you guys directly in those you guys touched..(mike etc...)



yes the stamps....i have two more that are arms..tattooed arms that Fowkes would make you or me business cards with 15 words for 4.00 for 100...I also got 4 machines ,his power supply ,tubes,a couple books(even a minature razor that was sharpened in an arc to shave arms with..etc..It is funny because 5 years ago a close friend of mine Terry stafford(and a smokin machine builder too) sent me pics of this stuff to identify...and I was lucky enough to get them,and give a generous price to another great guy graham...I had no idea what I would uncover...though i did already own 2 fowkes machines and I only knew Mike skivers to have one(though i am sure there are others floating around)

what I have uncovered is just amazing...History tends to go from Captain cook to orielly and then jumps to waters...but we are finding out all kinds of people were building machines and selling supplies E.E. brown, Rebec,Fowkes, etc....there will be a shitload of this revealed soon ....I got a booklet in the stuff called "the art of tattooing in ancient and modern times"(sounds familiar) that fowkes wrote..it is the size of a deck of cards...and later found waters was selling the last of them in his 1923 catalog saying after they were gone there would be no more...amazing stuff...and i want to spill all the beans but i am working on a historical newsletter with a friend/collector that keeps me from saying more..FORGIVE ME



thanks so much for sharing shane, i always look forward to reading your interviews and the contribution to tattooing and it's history

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