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Blog Iwar

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The Oslo - San Francisco Travel blog

Thought it could be fun to document my San Francisco trip with a blog post, and share thoughts, impressions, photos, videos, stories etc in the comments section below as the trip unfolds.

Thank you [MENTION=2]dari[/MENTION] for putting me in contact with [MENTION=7]Scott Sylvia[/MENTION] and Tim Lehi, and thanks to [MENTION=147]gougetheeyes[/MENTION] for helping me get the deposit through to Grime. If it wasn't for the friendly and helpful members of this forum this trip probably wouldn't have happened.

I'm turning in for the night now, only to get up in 5 hours and head for Oslo airport. It's going to be a long fucking trip, that's for sure...

I'll try to update as often as I can. G'night for now! :)



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HAHAHAHAHAAHA but at least you were brutalized by some incredible tattooers. Safe travels home and healing dude!

Avery Taylor


Have a safe trip home. I am really looking forward to seeing some photos of the healed tattoos.



Cool! That would have been nice [MENTION=130]dcostello[/MENTION]. I'm going to hang out with my friend from Berkeley today, but I'll probably be back in the city by evening. Any idea of when and where you'll be going?



Ill let you know. It will be around the downtown area most likely.



Great! Just PM me the info when you know and I'll try to make it out there if I get back in time :)



Businesscard collection


Grime teaser




great thread, Iwar! Thanks for documenting your travels to share with us :D



Some day I wish I could plan and execute an amazing trip similar to yours!



Great meeting you Iwar - thanks for sharing your journey (and journal) with us!



Man Iwar all these teasers are killing me, hurry up and heal I wanna see. Sounds likes great trip, getting tattooed by some awsome tattooers, and living the California life for a bit.



This will unfortunately be my last post here. I'm writing this from my livingroom, dead tired after another 23 hour (give/take) of travelling. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I got what I came for and then some, so I'm not in a position to complain.

Thanks for all the nice comments and feedback to this blog thing. I really appreciate it! Next year I'll try to do New York.

Sunday, the day after my Grime appointment, my norwegian buddy that lives in Berkeley drove me out to the Great Mall near San Jose so I could finally do some good ol' shopping. After a few hours there I convinced him to drive into San Jose to find the State of Grace shop so I could take a look around and maybe pick up a shirt. After a lot of driving around we finally found it, but for some unknown reason the doors were closed. I also tried calling but it just went straight to voicemail. Oh well, atleast I got a picture of the entrance, haha..


Later that evening I hooked up with some fellow norwegians from Trondheim that had gotten tattooed by Grime the same week as me. How weird is that? They came in during my appointment so Grime could take photos of their tattoos. Turned out I even share an ex girlfriend with one of them. It's a small world apparently.

I thought I was departing monday morning for some reason, but when checking my papers it turned out I was departing tuesday morning. I was so happy to find out I had an extra day that I decided to once again drop by Blackheart to see if they had time for a walk in on tuesday, which they did!

Cody Miller managed to squeeze in a cute little seahorse between some larger pieces on my right arm. Fillers are fun!


Besides getting tattooed that day I took a long walk around the mission district in the beautiful weather, and also ate the largest burrito I have ever seen.


So that's it I guess. Hope you guys enjoyed my ramblings.

Pictures of all the tattoos from my trip will be posted in the forum section as soon as they're all healed and I have decent pictures of them.

Last picture. Downtown Oslo while waiting for my bus home....




i'm glad you got home safe, but we'll definitely be missing you at the next meet up.

Petri Aspvik


This was a really good blog Iwar :) How much did the tattoos set you back all and all?



Thanks [MENTION=133]MsRad[/MENTION]. If I lived near by I wouldn't miss a single meetup. I'm so happy I got to join the 1 year anniversary one though. Maybe I'll be there at the 3 year anniversary :)

Glad you enjoyed it @Petri Aspvik . My budget just for tattoos was around 4 grand, which turned out to be more than enough.



I haven't been on in a while, but this is an awesome trip, awesome tattoos and pictures.

Joe Shit


Your a brave man getting all that work on the same leg.But damn,you have some excellent work to show for it.That grime skull is amazing.

What artists are you shooting for for the NYC trip?



Love it all, Iwar, it was a pleasure to meet you, and a pleasure to see all your pictures and read your words. I also love the "I'm never getting tattooed again" segway into a "little filler tattoo" from Cody Miller. Cody's a great guy, I hope it was fun. Thanks again for documenting it all. And for the licorice!

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