I think it looks cool! Don't overthink it. We tend to get regret feelings after a tattoo sometimes because it's going to stay there forever and that is VERY scary. Just don't worry and remember why you decided to get it😄
A girlfriend of mine git both knees done at once and hated life for it. I am FULLY expecting that experience 😆 but I'll lie to myself and say it will be easy
And I agree on elbow ditch being easy. Haven't done knee ditches yet
Added a beautiful lady head to the left ankle. Spicy going , would do shins again over this spot again lol.
No issue with knees? Good luck. Both of my knees are done. The left one got so swollen that i couldn't bend my leg. The black and grey on my right healed better, but it still hurt a lot.
Knee and elbow ditches? Piece of piss.
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