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Sammy Winston (Spiderghost) and The Three Questions.

Sammy Winston has contributed to the Bay Area Hardcore and Punk scenes since he was a teenager from being in bands (All Bets Off then Grace Alley), promoting shows, producing albums, writing articles for various magazine & zines to now owning and running Spiderghost. He's a man of many trades and I gurantee you what he has done for our scene out here has trickled into your scene at some point in some way cause he is just that in love with music and bands that his reach is endless.

Here's the link for Spiderghost:


Now on to the three:

1) The who, what, when, where, and why of your first tattoo? Picture?

My first tattoo no longer exists. It was four dots on my stomach. I believe I was fifteen when I got it, at a rehab center in Oakland that I had been sent to from San Francisco juvenile hall for fighting or something. It was a stick n’ poke job, done with a sewing needle and ballpoint pen ink. It faded quickly. Three of us got tattooed that night. We all got busted. And it seemed our punishment lasted longer than the tattoos. It’s a nice memory, I suppose. A bunch of teenage boys in rehab, at midnight, drinking contraband coffee that we brewed in the closet, and giving ourselves jailhouse tattoos in the tiny little bathroom.

2) The who, what, when, where, and why of your latest tattoo? Picture?

The last tattoo I received features a chola standing in front of San Francisco landmarks (Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Sutro Tower, and the Transamerica pyramid) surrounded by shamrocks. It’s big. It goes up my ribs and stomach from hip to pit. It was done by Cody Miller at Blackheart. Remarkable artist. Nice guy. A hell of a dancer. We were both being proud and a little competitive, unwilling to throw in the towel, so the first session was somewhere around seven hours and the second was three or four. It was excruciating, even with my belly full of norcos and syrup.

3) The last band, album, and song you listened to?

I have had the song “Love Comes Close” from the album of the same name by Cold Cave on repeat for most of the week. Also, there is a brilliant mixtape that has been ideal for the pleasant weather we have experienced in Frisco recently. It is called “(500) Days Of Weezy”. It is the official soundtrack from the movie “(500) Days Of Summer” remixed with Lil’ Wayne freestyles and old vocal tracks laid over it. Find it. It is extraordinary.

Thanks again and until next time.....



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