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I got this Wyvern tattoo long ago. showimage2.php?i=6022&catid=member&image I know its not the best tattoo but its not the worst one either, I have been contemplating what I should do ab

Entries in this blog

RocketMan's goings on with life and what-not.

Hi everyone this is my Blog. :) I guess I should start by saying that I will use this to tell you about my Classic car and my Tattoos and what ever else is going on. Well then on my classic car. Its a 1979 ford Thunderbird heritage edition. I have done a few mods and have plans for many more LOL. So far to the car I have: -changed the vinyl top. -changed the exhaust to true duels. -put in lower gears for the rear end. -major tune up. -fixed things to keep me on the road cruising.:



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