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I just realized I havent posted anything in awhile. Soon as this flash set is done I'll be more involved.



Finding more time

I've always used most of my spare time for work. I like to go out here and there and unwind a bit but mostly I like to sit home and get prepared for work. But I always get frustrated that I never really could catch up to the point where I can work on artwork for myself. Well I started cracking down the past week, drawing for appointments after work, going to bed early and waking up early and using my morning time to actually paint, and it is fucking awesome! I'm not a morning person at all, I'm



Frustrations of a youngin'.

So many things about trying to come up in this business are so frustrating. Getting chops up without help or guidance, trying to make connections, trying to build a clientele of some sort. I'm getting so frustrated and feeling like all the hours I put into this are for nothing. I love what I do. I gave up so much for it. But days like today I just want to throw in the fucking towel. I'm only 4 years in... so I can see that I am where I am supposed to be. But fuck, I get so discouraged. Not with



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