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Grez Interview pt. 1

All right LSTers, here's an older interview I did with the very talented Grez from King's Avenue from last year. The magazine in which it appeared only published a very abbreviated version and, after talking with Lochlan and getting permission from Grez to post it, I thought this would be a good place to share the full version. Since it is somewhat dated and a portion of it already appeared, most magazines wouldn't be interested. And since I've shelved the book project for now, was just lookin



Grez Interview from 2010, pt. 3

What’s your role in that? It’s tough to say that I have a role. I feel my role as a tattooer is just to build on history and try to bring it the next step further. I feel like that’s everyone’s responsibility. To not just keep doing the same thing, but building off of tradition and taking it to new levels. And new work always comes by taking risks. A lot of people in the early 90’s, when I was buying magazines in high school, everything was crazy and twisted and chrome. When you look at the w



Grez Interview from 2010, pt. 2

And here's part two. Looks like it'll be split into three, actually. ALSO, don't forget to check out the new(ish) King's Ave blog! Without further ado... Is there any style you lean towards, then? It’s tough because I feel like there are three different styles I really enjoy doing. And there are all different kinds of images. But I’d say ultimately, I like to tattoo good ideas. There’s a guy that came in who I am doing a Japanese monster sleeve on and it’s pretty heavy. It looks like it’s go



Grez Interview from 2010, pt. 1

All right LSTers, here's an older interview I did with the very talented Grez from King's Avenue from last year. The magazine in which it appeared only published a very abbreviated version and, after talking with Lochlan and getting permission from Grez to post it, I thought this would be a good place to share the full version. Since it is somewhat dated and a portion of it already appeared, most magazines wouldn't be interested. And since I've shelved the book project for now, was just lookin



What is it

[ATTACH]6215[/ATTACH] Because I can't quite get started on work this morning and because it's always something I've thought about and because it's something I doubt anyone will ever truly be able to answer without some massive study, I've been thinking this morning about the why to tattoos. There's a tattoos and why thread, but I've always thought there must be something about the people getting tattooed or becoming tattooers. They're seemingly two different things but, barring some exception



A slow return

I’m not entirely sure what this post is about. But a few months back, there was some sort of shift in my relationship with tattoos. It sounds a little sentimental but I had never given much thought to my place in a tattoo timeline, or history –– or online community. I just knew I kept waking up with more tattoos, and had some kind of frantic addiction that most of my other friends never pretended to understand. So fresh off a great experience of getting a new tattoo from a really nice and hi



Coffee carts and morning routines.

I'm not sure if coffee/breakfast carts exist as prevalently in other areas as they do in NY, but I've grown accustomed to them and simply wanted to voice my support for these guys. A lot of building owners and BIDs (Business Improvement Districts) hate them, basically because they don't have to pay anyone. Same goes for the pretzel guys, halal food, etc.. I used to work for a BID and when I found out how much they detested the guys, I really enjoyed spending a dollar or two most mornings. I



Barbershops and tattoos

When I was out in CA I snuck around behind Gaspare’s back.. but I knew I was going to since I’d been wanting to check out Hawleywood’s for a couple years. Dickies put up this video with the shop’s founder, Donnie. (I went to Jimmy in Long Beach who was super nice.) Best damn haircut I ever had. I didn’t have a PBR but I did pee with the door open…but that’s only because I didn’t realize the bathroom had a door.



Literary Tattoos, pt. 1, Cormac McCarthy

There's been a little bit of discussion on song lyric tattoos from a post on Ms.Rad's blog (here:http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/tattooforum/entries/19-song-lyric-tattoos) and I mentioned something about literature-themed tattoos. So I thought I'd share. After pulling out a few books, I realized I'd marked up so many pages that I'd have to do this in parts; Part 1 is all Cormac McCarthy who is, in my opinion, one of the greatest writers of the 20th/21st century and possibly one of the greatest



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