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Blog Lizzie

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ramblings & fuzzy feelings

We've had a couple guests here this month and it's been great. We've had a lot of fun so far, especially since Myles (Karr - who is also on this site) is here in Toronto now. We met him last year in Brighton, then shared a booth in Montreal, and thus, a loving partnership was formed. Haha! The shop got a beautiful new "tattoos" sign up on the facade and we've seen a small increase in our walk ins. I think it will take time to see a big effect from the sign going up, because it will mostly



Tattoo Party @ Speakeasy today!

Today we close our doors for our 2nd annual staff tattoo party. We fill our fridge with healthy, water heavy foods, beer, ciders, and other tasty drinks, order a whack of Indian food, lock our doors, and hang out all day making tattoos on each other. The rule of anyone attending is you have to tattoo at least once, and be tattooed at least once. Last year was a lot of fun and this year should be the same. Despite the fact that we often stick around and just tattoo each other like this, it's



My 3 most hated tattoo requests of the moment

...mostly because the fads are growing so thin I can't take it: 1. OWLS jesus christ stop asking me for owls. Go to urban outfitters and get your fix, PLEASE. 2. Animals with flipped up brims. GUH 3. The same as it's been for years. Trees. SO hard to make fun or interesting or different if you do like 10 every year! Alright. Phewph. Let's hope another one doesn't come through the door the minute I hit "post now."



Working at Sid's in Cali

Anyone else work here before? What a great place and cool dudes. Sid has his mark all over this place and it's wildly cool.



Artist Sabbatical

"Sabbatical" is a word I like to use a lot because it seems like such a nice set up for artists that tattooers don't really exploit. We have been offering the shop for some time as a place like this, taking a set of tattooers during the summer who can work as much or as little as they like for a minimal, cost-covering daily rent. This summer was the first attempt, I feel like it was a big success. I tried pretty hard to find a nice location for my shop and actually got my dream spot: Harbor



Qualities that make for a successful tattooer

I'm intrstd in what people feel are the qualities they see most often in their mentors or respected peers in the industry; and similarly the qualities that sem to lead to successful business across the board. Skill obviously will play a part in my idea of a good tattooer, so that's a given.



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