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About this blog

A series of thoughts, reminiscences, and concerns regarding tattooing. From the insights of a rank amateur.

Entries in this blog

Can't Hardly Wait!

Each time I get a new tattoo I walk out of the shop feeling a little ragged, thinking, I love this, but I'll wait a few months before going back. By dawn the next day I'm thinking about heading right back down for more. My partner just shakes her head at me. "Addict" she says with a smile. How can something so painful be so compelling? I had a consultation at The Pearl a few weeks ago and we mapped out my right forearm. When we booked the date I was disappointed that I was going to have to wait

Mark Bee

Mark Bee

New to the Forum

Its been a while since I joined a forum and took an active part in discussions. My previous forays in to the world of forums typically revolved around video gaming. For many years I was a very active poster on a clan website based around the seminal FPS UT'99. I made tons of friends there and met many of them during my trips to the UK and the USA. Eventually, though, new games came along and the community dried up. I have remained in contact with many of the friends I made there though we talk v

Mark Bee

Mark Bee

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