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Dalton after dark...

Here's a little compilation of my co-worker Mike Dalton pontificating in a bar.... http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1668042256955"

mario desa

mario desa

New york next week...

I will be tattooing in Brooklyn next week, November 4-5-6 at THREE KINGS TATTOO. If anyone in that area would like to come in, email me at DESA138@YAHOO.COM thanks!

mario desa

mario desa

Who HAS tattooed you?

we saw the wish list, now who have you been tattooed by?? here's my list, i think it's complete... this might be a bit off topic, or the opposite, but here's who HAS tattooed me... -adrian luna -adam siehr -dan trocchio (multiple) -jon reiter (multiple) -jeremy tupta -poohbear -mike bruce -myself -dan gilsdorf -jerry ware -seth ciferri (multiple) -scott sylvia -jeff zuck -tim biedron -harlan thompson -tomas garcia -adam shrewsbury -dave cavalcante -jeremy swed -nick colella

mario desa

mario desa

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